Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tis The Season: Let's Talk Christmas Movies

As a child, each year my family would gather for Thanksgiving either in Bucks County, PA or Hollidaysburg, PA (at my grandmother's house).  On this day, there was the usual traditions of turkey, football, and the MACY'S Day Parade.  There was also a tradition that was unique to my family.  "White Christmas".  Yeah, the classic Christmas movie was our kick off to the holiday season.  

As children, and now as adults, my brother and I excelled at movie memorization.  My entire family tree speaks fluent movie quote.  David and I, to this day, can in fact, mute the TV on "White Christmas" and do the dialogue for the movie (songs included).  Don't act like you're not impressed.

So, this got me thinking tonight. What are the best Christmas movies?  Do we need to be restricted to the classics?  I think not.  I took a poll of some of my peers and here are what we believe the Top 10 Christmas Movies for your holiday season are...

  • 10. Muppet's Christmas Carol: I dig any Muppet movie and although Dickens is so depressing 90% of        the time, I do love the story.
  • 9.  A Christmas Story: Whether you really like this movie or not- we all know it. Every year, I swear I'm gonna make a pink bunny suit for my brother and we constantly use the line of, "Fra-GEE-lay. Huh, must be Italian."
  • 8. It's A Wonderful Life: We all know that it has to be on every Christmas movie list.  I mean, I'm as big a fan of Jimmy Stewart as the next person, but in the words of Gob Bluth, "Come one!".  Surely, I'm not the only person who falls asleep 18 minutes into this one and wakes up at the end in time for Clarence to get his wings, right?
  • 7. Emmett Otter's Jug Band Christmas: I may be partial on this one, but it is one of my favorites for personal reasons. Again, we're talking a Muppet Movie, but one with a rock band in it and narrated by Kermit himself.  My dad loves this movie. He knows all the songs (as do I) and he used to watch this with us in the winter every year.  If you can find it-- buy it. Your kids will thank you for it.
  • 6. Elf: Some will argue that is should have been higher on the list and  while I do love it, I think it's fair placement.  This movie has come to embody not only, the fun holiday frivolity, but also the heart warming family mushiness.  You can watch it over and over and for months it makes it okay to answer your phone with, "Buddy the elf! What's your favorite color?"
  • 5. Scrooged:  Two words: Bill Murray.  Yeah, I said it. Bill Murray is amazing in this.  It'd be tough to find a movie he's not amazing in, but Bill Murray+Christmas+Dickens= Christmas Miracles.
  • 4. Miracle on 34th Street:  The ORIGINAL! Not that heinous remake from the 90's.  What they were thinking with that garbage, I do not know, but the original with Maureen O'Hara and a young Natalie Wood cannot be beat! I prefer the black and white version.
  • 3. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation:  There are so many quotes that pop into my head when I hear this title. So many sight gags and great visuals! And let's not forget Julia Louis-Dreyfus as the yuppie next door.  This movie inspires me to check my Christmas tree for squirrels every year.
  • 2. Die Hard: No, I'm not joking.  Yes, Die Hard is a Christmas movie.  The whole thing goes down at an office Christmas party.  Good old, John McClane has to save the day from Hans m*ther f&^%in' Gruber! In essence, he saves Christmas! He's like Santa, but in a wife beater and without shoes. 
  • 1. White Christmas: It just is. 
Below are some clips from my favorite parts of the above list. I hope you enjoy them and may your Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays be merry and bright and all that....

Christmas Story


Emmett Otter
Keep an eye out for Wendal


Christmas Vacation

White Christmas

Die Hard

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