Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Let's Get Bromantic

Let's Get Bromantic

The Greatest Bromances of ALL-Time:

Evening all-- A few weeks back, a friend of mine was compaining that her husband (who she has only known about 18 months) and his long-time BFF were making her ku-ku for Cocoa Puffs.  Her complaint was that they had to discuss everything with one another and they they seemed to have an endless supply of little inside jokes.First off-- isn't that what friends do? Anywho- my observation was that they had a little Bromance going.  You'd think I was speaking Greek to her.  Much to my dismay she didn't know what a bromance was.Upon entering "Bromance" into the google box, I found the following definitions both amusing and informative:

  • Urban Dictionary: The intense love shared between heterosexual males. A form of male bonding and usually invisible to the naked eye. This bond is normally only shared between two males that have a deeper understanding of each other, in a way no woman could ever realize.
  • A bromance is a healthy, secure friendship between two heterosexual guys. The men are usually single, although many times a bromance continues even when one of the guys is in a relationship. The bromance might start with an admiration of something that the other man does, like his ability to shoot hoops, talk to women, or succeed in business. The men enjoy hanging out with each other so much that it becomes a (nonsexual) infatuation.
  • a relationship or friendship between two men that is extremely close but does not involve sex.
This got me thinking. While the term itself is new to society, the concept surely isn't.  History is filled with plenty of wonderful bromances.  I thought I'd take a moment to pay homage to some of the best bromances ev-er

Best Historical Bromance:

Lewis & Clark

"The Lewis and Clark Expedition, also known as the Corps of Discovery Expedition (1804–1806), was the first transcontinental expedition to the Pacific coast undertaken by the United States. Commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson, it was led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark."  For two years these guys traveled across the country from east to west in what must be seen as the ultimate road trip--if there had in fact been roads.

Best Literary Bromance:

Holmes & Watson

Just about anyone knows that the relationship between Holmes and Watson was somewhere between professional and I'm-not-sure-I-wanna-know.  They were just a little too close at times, but the fact remains that these two, in between solving cases and catching bad guys were a true bromance.  I mean, Watson is Holmes' biographer.  Take a lot of love for someone to chronicle their life.  Especially in a time before computers or the internet.  

Best TV Bromances:

Hawkeye & Trapper

Now, I may be biased because my dad looks a little like Hawkeye and I had a little girl crush on Trapper John, but they are the greatest bromance. They are always in trouble for drinking and carousing  but they are also always there when they need one another.  Through their team effort, they played wingman to Radar, constantly thwarted Frank Burns and made every nurses heart beat a little faster--all while maintaining a 97% efficiency rating at the 4077 mobile army surgical hospital. 

Shawn Spencer and Burton Guster

Again, I might be a little biased since I adore James Roday and my best friend has a chocolate crush on Dule Hill, but I care not.  Shawn and Gus are serious BFFs.  They've been together since kidhood and are still going strong.  They have constant references to movies and TV and while they constantly sell one another out, they always show up to save the other in the end.  They are ying and yang.  Light and dark.  Shawn comes up with the outlandish idea and Gus does the actual thinking.  It's basically the story of me and my best friend. If you've not see this, I suggest you netflix it--from THE BEGINNING!

Joey & Chandler

Do I need to explain this? They were on a show called FRIENDS for crying out loud! They were brothers in arms--roomies--and bestest pals!  

Best Movie Bromances:
The Following all fit the bill of breathtakingly bromantic--if you don't get it by now--you're a lost cause--

Holmes & Watson: Crime Solving Bromance
Frodo & Sam
Merry & Pippin: 4 Hobbits: 2 pairs: Pint sized bromances
Jake & Elwood Blues: "We're on a mission from God" Bromance
Harry & Ron: Wizarding Bromance
Woody & Buzz: Bromance to Infinity and Beyond
Forrest & Bubba: Somethin' Bit Me Bromance
Ferris & Cameron: High School Bromance
Ricky Bobby & Cal: Shake & Bake Bromance
Bill & Ted: Wild Stallions Bromance
Doc & Marty: Back in Tiiiiiiiiiiime Bromance
Han & Chewy: Furry Bromance
Chunk & Sloth: Baby Ruth Bromance
Chazz & Jimmy: Fire and Ice Bromance
Jules & Vincent: BAMF Bromance
Red & Andy: Prison Bromance

So, There you have it. My picks for the best bromances ever. I have a hard time picking a definitive bromance, but your thoughts are welcome. 

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